Fight of the Century. . .

 Two-Ton Trump (Right) and Battle-hardened Biden (Left)

Toe-to-toe the two of them fought,
Only one of them has ever been caught,
It's not about money or a boxers gold ring,
It's about whether Two-Ton will ever be king.

Biden throws a left hook to the head of Two-Ton. Damn! That won't do. . .  he can't hurt him with head shots!  His head is too damn hard, and besides, there's nothing inside that is lethal enough to hurt him! Biden is now set up for the right cross to that "too many burgers and cokes" mid-section. He'll feel that alright!  Wait, the right cross was a little low. Oh my God. . . the blow was too low and Two-Ton grimaces in pain and drops to his knees.

The referee is in Biden's face. He's waving him to the neutral corner and then rushes over to see how Two-Ton's doing. The ref asks if he can continue. Two-Ton shakes his head "no" and rolls over onto his back likes he's dead.

Biden yells at the ref and tells him "the liar is faking it, ref! He isn't hurt. . . yet.  "That was no low blow! Let me get back at him!"

Two-Ton suddenly jumps up and starts dancing around the ring. "I'm through, ref," Two-Ton yells!  "I want to take this to Thomas and Alito in the High Court. It was definitely a low blow and I won on a dirty low blow! We'll see what they think." Biden ain't gonna win this on another technicality! 

Biden yells at Two-Ton, "Alito and Thomas wouldn't know a low blow from a low-down rigged election ballot!"

And now we learn how this fight is going to end. Yup, how most of Two-Ton's fights end.

Better luck next time, Biden. Two-Ton has the "weight" of the court on his side this time.


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