Friday, June 21, 2024

Battered and Bruised, Bloodied and Confused. . .

Can you feel that rumbling under your feet? Listen, you can even hear that low, constant,  plodding of "Jack Boots" as they come closer. It's getting louder and louder. That ungodly stomp, stomp, stomping of feet!

Who is it? Where are they?  

Wait. . . I see something. Over the hill. There must be thousands of them. And they don't look very happy, either. I think they're holding signs. Let's see, that one reads "But, we used to have a supermajority!"

And the horde of MAGA/'publicans looked at the primary election votes and knew they've been snookered by the voters. According to their party officials, the odds of losing is likely. Of course, there is always a chance that someone misread the tea leaves. 

There is also a fact that the supermajority 'publicans got to feeling too big for their britches and messed in their nests. It wouldn't be the first time for the arrogant and high-minded elephant herd. 

We'll watch and wait. 

Maybe they could bring in Steve Bannon from the "War Room" or Donald Trump to spin some lies and conclude with a rally and insurrection on the Montana Capitol Building. 

Wouldn't that be fun?


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