Neanderthal Nonsense

 Abortion Rights are on the Montana Ballot in November

The Neanderthal Party is trying to forget it was their brilliant idea that started it. Maybe if it just goes away, no one will remember that. Nationally, we are being told Abortion Rights will be a big deal across the country and could spell doom for many candidates in the "Woman Hatin' Party" of MAGA/Republicans.

Neanderthals came on like gangbusters earlier in this session of the Montana Legislature. They filled up a lot of seats and they claimed a strong  supermajority. The celebration carried on and on. They pulled out all of the stops and tried to nail down every GOP evil deed in their wish list. 

But, I believe they let their big and noisy alligator mouths overrun their hummingbird hind ends and. . . well, I  believe the word is "overreached"  their capacity to govern. 

We'll see what happens in November. We should all understand, however, that women's rights are something that should be near the top of the list of things this nation needs to straighten out. There have been years of abuse - and nearly all are from the Neanderthals!



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