Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Here's Your Coat. . . What's Your Hurry. . .

 Will He Go Quietly Into That Good Night?

After his defeat on November 5, 2024, the Maestro of MAGA will, hopefully, pick up his toys and go home to Mar-A-Lago and whoever is left in his family.

The polls have been teasing him with far-fetched numbers of success, but he probably knew better than anyone that it was never to be. It was implausible that he could be the winner. He had too many warts and too many crimes that were yet to be solved. Maybe he thought he could survive them, but he couldn't. There were too many and too serious for the American people to ignore.

There is still that horrendous problem of the secret government  documents that he absconded from a top-secret, secured location back in Washington D.C. The biggest problem is: why did he take them and for what purpose? Did he intend to sell them?

Also, what has he divulged to our adversaries around the world? Many within his circle believe the information he gleaned from his time in office is of great importance only to his ego. 

We will all breath a little better when he is gone from our view. He has been a center of news for nearly a decade and it is making all of us jittery whenever we simply see his photo on television!

So, go gently and with great haste. Give us all some peace and quiet!

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