Friday, May 31, 2024

We still need to finish removing the evil

I find no good reason to rejoice in the verdict by the Trump "Hush Money" Trial. The time that was wasted in our nation has taken us through the gates of hell and far beyond. It ravaged the souls of otherwise good people and left all of us with a bitter taste in our mouths for what we thought our rule of law  was supposed to be. 

The outcome was justly decided, but the fields of brambles and thorns we endured have left scars that may never heal. Today, the leaders of the conservative party are proclaiming the verdict against Donald Trump was wrongfully given. 

Political retribution by Republican/MAGA Representatives and Senators is being called for in order to salvage their self-induced - and near fatal - wounds. They must all shoulder the blame for the near-absolute support they gave to a man they all must have known was guilty of treason. Each one of them must change direction or else leave their political futures.

How we will overcome this evil tragedy and come out stronger is anyone's guess today.  It will take a lot of soul-searching on the part of those who were complicit in Trump's authoritarian drive to end our democracy. They, too, should be found guilty by a jury of their peers, but there is a strange and unknown force that ignores the will of the people to bring the guilty to justice.

The framers of our Constitution and Rule of Law have buried their heads in their hands in frustration and embarrassment. When will we ever get rid of the entire cancer that is ravaging our political body? Because right now - today - we have barely even touched the worst of it! The remnants of the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, QAnon, and others are all still "standing back and standing by!" They're looking for Trump  - or the next "would-be emperor."

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

It's a Justice-Billionaire marriage made in Hell. . .

By a vote of 5 to 4...Justices may now marry their billionaires!

A recent decision of great importance has just been handed down by the most biased Supreme Court of the United States of all time. Justice Sam Alito said, "I feel so free and unencumbered, I think this has been too long coming and I am going to plan right now for a personal jet trip to my donor's private island and spend a few days in his cabana. He's even giving me some traveling money! Of course, I have to remember to vote for his deal when it comes up to the court."

"Cautious" Clarence Thomas was giddy and smiling ear-to-ear at the news. His equally giddy wife, Ginni, was beside herself with joy and already had at least six new ideas for her next activist luncheon as they plan for the upcoming "Insurrectionist Ball." The Clarence and Ginny gifts of luxury and fun in the sun trips will be coming together nicely.

Other Justices will now be able to step out in their finery and enjoy the best from various millionaire and billionaire donors who will be able to toss exotic gifts their way without fear.

The little smiles on their little faces as they safely can now marry their favorite billionaires is so good for their moral. Happy Justices make happy decisions!

Monday, May 27, 2024

Make Montana Great Again. . . Like Before the MAGA bunch rode in!

Republican politicians 
are giving Montana a bad name!

The Republican Party of Montana opened the flood gates of candidates this year and let some of the worst of the worst pour out across the state. 

The Republican National Committee is already showing grave concerns that they may have put in a dud to run against a very popular U.S. Senator Jon Tester. Tim Sheehy has more warts than a Kalispell bull frog and I'm guessing "no amount of lipstick will pretty him up."

Old timer Denny Rehberg has been tagged by fellow Republicans as a China government operative who evidently, according to other Montana Republicans, had something to do with their hot air balloon spy missions over our country. It seems his money is running low and he needs to get back into the lobbyist game of helping China.  Who knew?

There are many other duds, too, but you know them as well as I do. Vote accordingly.

Even Gov. Gianforte has an opponent in the Primary race. That may sound strange to some because the Republican Party of Montana had a gigantic red wave win last time around and ended up with a big supermajority in the Legislature. 

The Party did make folks mad when they got carried away with their arrogant power and attacked some sensitive issues. They jumped on election laws, abortion rights, and our court system. And they weren't nice about any of it, either!

The big fight, however, is to grab the U.S. Senate seat from Tester. The RNC thought they had a real winner in Sheehy: Navy Seal, multi-millionaire, male. . .a Republican dream come true. Soon, the truth started leaking out. His new business lost $77 million, he lied about things in his personal life, and then there was that story about dropping his rifle in a parking lot and getting a bullet in his arm  - or was it something else? It seems there are too  many questions about his honesty. I think we can write-off this guy.

Anyway, my advice would be to just stick to the "blue" side of the ballot. They ran the state very well for 16 years before the MAGA bunch rolled into town. 

Why take a chance on these authoritarians again!

We American Voters are a peculiar lot

 Trump says, "if I lose, there will be a bloodbath!"

Other than Donald Trump, have you ever heard or read about a candidate for President of the United States making a threat like that? 

His entire candidacy is surreal. His thought process is unhinged and irrational, and his speeches are sometimes disjointed and often unintelligible. 

We can overlook a candidate's  speech impediment. We can overlook a candidate if he/she has a physical handicap. We can overlook whatever his/her choice of sexual preference is.

But how can we overlook a man who threatens to start a civil war if he loses the election?  How can we even consider such a man?

We are, though, aren't we?

Sunday, May 26, 2024

The TRUTH is always out there if you want to look for it

While the Constitution established the executive, legislative and judicial branches, the phrase "Fourth Estate" reflects the unofficial but widely accepted role the news media play in providing citizens with information they can use to check governmental power.

The "Fifth" Estate extends the sequence of the three classical  Estates of the Realm, nobility, clergy, subjects and the preceding Fourth Estate, essentially the mainstream press.

The wheels came off the "engine of information" when high tech minds conceived a monster called "the internet." It took little knowledge of the user to learn how to navigate the universe of information that was available. As planned, the newspapers in America began to disappear. 

So how does this have anything to do with our democracy?  Well, that answer would be, "Everything!"

In order to jump right to the point, I would sum up the  answer this way:  As people became "techifide" (my word), they began sucking up information like they had six straws in the root beer glass. 

The problem with that, however, was evident as soon as yellow-bellied, liver-eatin', conspiracy-theorist-politicians saw a chance to make a buck or two! Politicians can win on a boat load of lies or see that their opponents will lose on a barge load of lies. 

The supposed news was not news.  It was a lying, cheating, dirty-dealing pack of lies to either help somebody get elected or to help somebody get his opponent not elected. Liars and their lies are not fussy. What ever sells the "story."

The problem with that, of course, is innocent readers have no idea what the truth is. But, too many of them have learned how to work the system: If what they read meets with what they want the truth to be, they accept the lie is as gospel. 

The moral of the story is this:  Too many Americans are buying lies by the truckload and selling it to anyone who will listen. Our nation is in a world of hurt right now, and people are acting like it doesn't matter. It the conspiracy theory sound good to them. it must be the truth. 

We are now being asked to make  all kinds of decisions based on lies. Our political leaders lie to each other - and to us - like it is second-nature to them.  

Bring back the daily and weekly newspapers and get us moved back to the days of honesty. Sure a newspaper made mistakes, but they were ALWAYS ready to correct it when caught. If, on a rare situation, an outright lie was printed, the case would be handles through libel law suits.

Try to sue your internet information "journalist!"

Or, you can just keep on truckin' with a garbage truck full of lies!

Just What IS Gianforte Doing . . Other Than "Selling Off Montana?"

He Looked Like A Trumpster Once, Didn't He!

Just How Conservative Is Greg Gianforte? His opponent, Tanner Smith of Flathead Valley thinks he is a "Chamber of Commerce Republican" . . far too moderate for what the Montana Republican Party wants. Smith, on the other hand, is a screaming far-right conservative who wants to keep Montana in that column. 

It's going to be a good Primary fight to watch. The interesting thing about it, however, is not so much between the two men as it is between the two ideologies! The winner could decide how Montana leans in the November election. 

As we look once again at the photo of Gianforte (above), I am reminded  (as I put a Trump hairdo on him) that I thought he had a distinctly familiar look about him that seemed to infer he was a Trump kind of guy. Was I wrong or has Smith figures out  that Gov. Gianforte has, indeed, changed his stripes in mid-term?

If he's running from Trump, that's a good thing. But what the state Republican Party thinks is more important. Can the supermajority still hold for another four years or have they done too much damage?

Lastly, where are the Democrats in all of this? Could they make the supermajority pay for the damage they have done? I sure don't see much in advertising about the damage. . . yet!

Let's see what shakes out of the Republican Primary, first.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Drill into his head and put him to bed

The Lobotomization of Donald T
(With my apologies to  Robert Service's poem: "The Cremation of Sam McGee")

There are strange things done in the midnight sun
by the men who search for gold;
The Washington trails have their secret tales
That could make your blood run cold;

The neon lights have seen strange sights,
But the strangest they ever did see,
Was that night on the mall when out went the call:
To Lobotomize Donald T

Come watch as we drill, it'll be such a thrill,
He needs two more holes in his head.
One on the left and one on the right,
Then off with him - back to his bed.

Lobotomies work well, but how can you tell
With a patient like Donald T?
He howls like hell and shows he's not well
We'll just blame the Lobotomy!

Friday, May 24, 2024

Sing along with Donald and the Supremes. . .

Follow the Orange Brick Road, follow the orange brick road, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow the rainbow over the stream, follow the Donald who follows a dream, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow the orange brick road. He's off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz. He'll find he is a whiz of a Whiz, if ever a Wiz there was. The Wizard of Oz is one because, because, because, because, because, Because of the wonderful things he does, He's off to see the Wizard. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. 

And the United States Supreme Court carried Donald all the way to the Land of Oz, where he got to meet the Wizard. They got along swimmingly and Donald even learned a few new lies and behind-the-curtain delusions for the people back home. 

The Wizard then awarded Donald with the things he wanted most:  Some Courage, a heart, and a brain!

P.S. As the Supreme Court, still carrying Donald, trudged homeward, they were ambushed by a cut throat band of liberal vermins who beat the crap out of them and left them bloody in the ditch.

The end. 

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Did anyone dream of growing up to be Hitler? I mean, other than Trump!


The Third Reich, meaning "Third Realm" or "Third Empire," referred to the Nazi claim that Nazi Germany was the successor to the earlier Holy Roman Empire (1714) the First Reich; German Empire (1914), the Second Reich; and Nazi Germany in (1942), the "Third Reich."

Today, Trump's minions say he is claiming America will be his "United Reich" when elected. 

Today, a video posted to Trump's account on his social media network included references to a "United Reich" among hypo-theatrical news headlines if he wins the election in November. And, he is not one  bit bashful about telling us the great news! If any of you are wondering if it's just a sales pitch or the God's truth, I'm beginning to think he abso-damn-lutely means it! Maybe he thinks it's a good way to begin Civil War II, which is his real dream job!

Enough is enough.

This is the campaign strategy of a man who wants to be our president. This is the man who has shown us he has more love for the world's dictators than for our allies - and our fellow Americans. These are his words!

And the pollsters are telling us this IS a tight race right now!

If you can go to the ballot box in November and vote for such a man, then there is nothing more I can say. 

Wait, an image just flashed before my eyes: Donnie Trump in a pair of  "lederhosen" which are short, leather pants for German men, as seen in the above photo of Adolph. I'll pay good money for that photograph!

Is the Montana MAGA/Republicans going supernova?

When a star dies, it can become a white dwarf, neutron star, or black hole. The process of a star's death depends on its mass. Once there is no fuel left, the star collapses and the outer layers explode as a supernova. What's left over after a supernova explosion, if there's sufficient mass, is a black hole.

Such is the life of the Montana Republican/MAGA Party. They have become a "white" dwarf and since there is little fuel left, they will collapse and their remnants will explode as a supernova. We tried to tell them they were getting too big for their britches. Their arrogant approach to unwanted changes became a frenzy they couldn't control. They are just lucky they haven't become a black hole  yet - that would really drive them crazy!

The supernova will now be about 5,5 parsecs away and moving - too far to ever  again be of a consequence to Montanans. 

The Montana MAGAs have shot their wad and proved they were a serious nuisance to our beautiful state. Their ideas about voting, abortions, and meddling with our laws were too much. They tried to rig everything in their favor. Political shenanigans are one thing, but outright corruptions in our rights and way of life was unstainable. Their only option left was to go supernova. 

Go mess with someone else's galaxy!

WE'RE GOING TO GO VOTE IN NOVEMBER! . . . and watch that grand supernova in our night sky.


Wednesday, May 22, 2024

This just ain't right, folks. . . it's just ain't right!

Justice Samuel Alito, miles to the right of Genghis Kahn, and the eternal darling of the MAGA right-wing Republican Party sits on the United States Supreme Court. He should be sitting  there a little more softly these days since his upside-down American flag of distress flew over his home last week. Today, however, another flag of equal concern flew over another of his homes. We've let him get away with too much already!

So, why is this of importance to me - and ultimately to you? Because the Supreme Court Justices see themselves as pure as the fresh driven snow and aligned to no particular political persuasion. Of course, the whole world is aware of Alito's arrogant love-affair with the capitalistic right.

The congressional liberals have finally had enough of his shenanigans and they are as wild as a herd of stampeding donkeys. Alito is reveling in the seemingly untouchable position he enjoys, and each time he goes on his tirade against anyone who ain't a MAGA/Republican, no one bothers to rein him in. Of course, this makes each of his "shows" harder to do something about.

His buddy, Justice Clarence Thomas and his activist wife Gini, are no slouches at Alito's game, either. They have lists of right-wing escapades as long as your arm, as well. Ginni Thomas and Alito are both soft on the Jan. 6th Insurrection. Ginni has been accused of being an active worker in the mess.

So, why is this so important?  

It is earth-shaking important because we have a court of ultimate decision makers of whom some have biased thinking and absolutely no ethics code!  And that is damned important!

Now, what are we going to do about it? 

Lawyers, Lawyers, everywhere. . .

"The law is a system that protects everyone who can afford to hire a good lawyer."  Mark  Twain

"To succeed in the other trades, capacity must be shown; in the law, concealment of it will do."  Mark Twain

As the old joke goes: What do you have with one-million lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?  Answer: a good start. As of Jan. 1, 2023, there were 1,331,290 active lawyers in the ABA National Lawyer Population Survey, a tally of every state. 

That means there would be one attorney for every 240 humans (man, woman, child, or infant) in America. I'm guessing that would sound over-saturated to most of us, but statistics show the American Bar Association is crying for more. We are either very litigious or we are very bad people! (or, both!)

Of course, if we could eliminate political shenanigans from the total, we could probably get rid of about one-third of the attorneys. And, if we could get rid of a certain you-know-who and his circle of crooks, we could cut that down ever further!

When does our Justice Department step in? I know, after Nov. 5, 2024

Boxes of documents in his bathroom and den.
Documents of secrets and of countries and men.

Former President Donald Trump, as he left the White House, scurried off with boxes and boxes of our government's documents - some highly-sensitive and top secret, and stashed them in his Mar-a-Lago home in Florida. When it was found out by our government, he was asked to return them. He, of course, said he would get them right back. Months later, and several more requests which were ignored, the FBI had to conduct an unannounced raid to retrieve them. When asked if that was all, he said "YES."

Well, guess what?  Donald Trump lied again. It has been reported that he still has documents!

To add to this insane handling by our legal beagles, Judge Eileen Cannon, a proven inexperienced judge who is incapable of doing the job and who was appointed by Trump, said two weeks ago that she was going to interrupt the case against Trump indefinitely - or at least until after the 2024 election! 

This flagrant mishandling of some of our nation's most top secret information is treasonous. What he intends to do - or has already done - to these documents is anyone's guess right now. And with this twit judge Cannon involved, we may never know.

Are we going to just let this nightmare fall into the black hole with other unresolved stories of Trump's egregious handling of things?

HAPPENING TODAY: A judge is listening to arguments about why the entire case shouldn't be dismissed!

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Ravalli County, Come into the Light. . .

The John Birth
  of Montana

Hell's a-poppin' in the deep, deep bright red county of Ravalli in western Montana. The battle between the John Birthers, the Montana Freedom Caucus, and the kind-of-moderate Republican hardliners has been brewing for some time and with a national election on the horizon, they've decided to calm the waters a bit. 

The new leadership still sounds like their county is far to the right of  Genghis Khan, but some get nervous when they think their rigid ideas may cost them a vote or two. New voting rules mean each candidate will have the opportunity to choose "watchers" inside the election hall to make sure of "integrity" in voting. Other efforts to give the appearance of "safe" voting is just that: "give the appearance." The real point is to convince the voters of the lie that there has been election fraud for years in Ravalli County and across Montana.

It has been a disingenuous attack by the Montana Republican Party in general, following the "Stop the Steal" election of Joe Biden. They considered it was the perfect time to work over the Montana voters and set them off for the "next time their votes are stolen,"

Ravalli County does have one glimmer of hope, though. Someone said, He was removed from office because he was "too conservative!"  It was quickly answered, however, with, "Ain't no such thing!"

Montana, you've still got a long, long way to go.

The MAGA/Republicans Cometh Again. . .

Trump has told them to "Stand Back and Stand By"
January 6, 2021

May, 2024
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-MAGA-Florida)
told the former president in the Court House
"We're Standing Back and Standing By, Mr. President"

January 6, 2021, was a day that "will live in infamy." It was the day Republican Party/ MAGA  members, officials of the Party, Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, QAnon, and various other thugs attacked our Capitol with the intent to overturn a presidential election and restore Donald Trump's hold on the Oval Office.

It did not succeed. . . but it came so close, it scared the hell out of our nation!

The final count of the electoral college votes is coming again on January 6, 2025 following the presidential election, unless the date is changed by law.

All we can do is wait and wonder. Will the evil in our nation rear up and attack our capitol, our constitution, our rule of law, and our democracy. . . again?

The only thing standing between MAGA and us is OUR VOTES!

Sunday, May 19, 2024

A Common Sense Choice. . .

It's A Binary Choice, Karen

You have but two rational choices when you vote for President of the United States this November 5, 2024. While there may be other names on the ballot, there are but, realistically, two major political party candidates from which to chose. That makes it simple for most folks.

However, this Sunday morning on the news talk shows it appears there are many choices we haven't considered. 

The news channels were filled with African Americans who think they are being ignored by Joe Biden. They recite reasons - chapter and verse - why their needs are not being met. There are black folks who can't get by on their low wages to pay for the high prices of groceries. They can't afford to pay their increased home or apartment rent  and they can't buy a home.  And, they are threatening to not vote for for Joe Biden.  Are they really going to stay home or vote for Trump?  If they stay home, that'll be a vote for Trump, too.

So, it suddenly must be Biden's fault. Evidently, he is guilty of only raising costs on black people. 

That makes it difficult to know what to do in November at the ballot box. Biden or Trump. . . what to do. . . what to do?

One thing that may make the choice easier, though. What in the hell do you think Trump is going to do for you? He doesn't give a damn about what you can and can't afford. He is about as far from thinking about your pain as any Republican ever has.  

This binary choice has made it so easy for us, we can't make a mistake - even if we tried.  One guy wants to keep us safe and warm in our 236-year democracy while the other guy wants to send us into a ruthless authoritarian rule. Many of the MAGA/Republican seems to have even found much they like about Putin's Russia and they are letting the rest of us know how they feel. We are in extremely dangerous times.

Do you really believe there is a choice?  Well, maybe you do if you lean toward blowing up our democracy and handing it over to a madman and his cult!


Saturday, May 18, 2024

Who really are the MAGA cult?

The stairway to the MAGA/Republican Decline

The steps to ruin are steep, treacherous, and meant to be traveled but once. There are pitfalls along the way, but fortunately these travelers are of one goal and simple of mind. They meet up with others along the descent into hell for comfort and assurance that their intentions are just.

These former members of the Grand Old Party have been led astray by a version of an anti-Christ who told them of better things to do with their time. He knew their hearts and fed their dreams with such delights as the world of insurrections, coups, and authoritarian rule. 

There were no hesitations. They were ready to take up the sword and fight the angel of democracy. Their noise and chatter was great, but their numbers were few. Their leader was forceful, but his style was rough and abusive. Still, the persevered. 

Their soldiers were the likes of Mick Johnson, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Lauren Boebert, Jim Joran, and Kristi Noem. Their fight was ignoble. They were pledged to no just cause -  just their own and whatever was contrary to July 4, 1776. 

This is the membership of the cult of MAGA/Republicans. They want only what they want and the wants of others are unnecessary.

They are the neo-Republicans. 

And America has neither a need nor a wish for any of them!

Remember this on November 5, 2024. 

Friday, May 17, 2024

There is a Take-Over happening in Montana. . .


The Republican/MAGA politicians around the country are quietly moving unknown and unwanted denizens of the rich and powerful to "buy" the whole damn state of Montana -  lock, stock and barrel - including all available political offices! It's been going on for awhile, but now it's getting serious!

They come bearing exploits of their daring military life, such as a combat-hardened, wounded Navy Seal from a Minnesota lake-side mansion where he grew up. There is another Navy Seal who - as near as anyone can tell - lives in California. We thank them for their service, but it hardly makes them qualified to be our state's U.S. House  or U.S. Senate candidates. 

Our Governor was born in San Diego, California, as were others who came from outside of Montana, and  are serving in Montana politics. We're not opposed to those who chose our beautiful state, but they should have learned to assimilate! The Borg on Star Trek had it right:  Assimilate or die. . . Resistance is futile!

There are also people who are not politicians but are moving in anyway, with pockets bulging with money, buying homes site-unseen, and move around like ghosts among our population. Suddenly, they pop up in our small towns from God-only-knows where. 

It is like the invasion of the aliens from Planet Number Nine and they were sent here from the MAGA recruitment service. They do not know us or our beautiful Montana and its needs! We're in for trouble, folks. Montana can become a place we natives will not recognize - or maybe not even care to recognize!


Tuesday, May 14, 2024

A more disgusting display you'll never again see. . .

Standing outside the court house, Speaker Johnson and a smattering of MAGA House members hoped their lord and savior would see them and have mercy on their souls - and maybe a Vice-Presidential spot on the ticket. Hey, they're fawning for attention, but that's what they do! What a feeble, miserable excuse of elected officials!

See the little MAGA friends all in a row,
Waitin' for the guilty one - waitin' for his show.
Trump has been despondent, lonely, sad and blue,
The MAGA friends were told to come, and Johnson, that means you!

"Our boss is really innocent, as pure as falling snow,"
And the lyin' Democrats are  just doing this for show."
Others in the tiny crowd stood silent out of fear,
While the Speaker gave the eulogy - they knew the end was near.


A Preponderance of Wannabes. . .

The "Don" Trump 

A Preponderance of Evidence and a Preponderance of Stupidity

As a young man, I remember being glued to the television night and day during the Watergate trial. It was an eye-opener to see how evil our heads of government could really be. My high school Government classes didn't tell me about this!

But, here we are in the trial of the great Trump coup attempt! Wannabe mafioso chief, lieutenants, and thugs are getting their moments of fame - and then shame - as they disgrace  their lives and the lives of their families. 

The word on the street is there is a preponderance of  evidence that the Trump attorneys, his "inner circle of thugs", his cohorts in the U. S. House and Senate, and his "mafia-type" back-channel friends have all displayed a preponderance of stupidity!

As the Trump Trial progresses, it comes abundantly clear that the far- from-clever cast of players reeked with ignorance. For gawd's sake, we are talking about the President of the United States, a bevy of attorneys who should know better, and creatures who seemingly dropped from the sky because no one had ever laid eyes on them before. 

The one thing they had in common, however, is they became known to us as "MAGA/Republican democracy-destroyers." 

And they want us to elect them and put them in charge again!

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Grandma never lied to me. . .

Grandma said some day we'd have to fight like hell for the survival of our nation.  She said we should be ready to fight like we're the third monkey in line to get on the Ark, and it's staring to rain pretty good. She also said we'll have to be ready to hang the sons-a-b*****s who want to bury us deep!

Well, I think that time is about here.

If it is true, as a Washington Informer Opinion writer, Wilmer J. Leon III, said, our "shinning city on a hill" is truly a mirage. It's really about "unbridled capitalism, the insatiable lust for resource and the exploitation of foreign labor and markets."

I think I would  also add "authoritarianism" to that happy little list. Our democracy is about to go on life-support and wheeled down the hall to the hospice ward if a certain Mr. Trump is true to his promises upon entering the Oval Office again. He has laid out his "dream nation" where only the rich will rule. They, alone, will call the shots - only after he, alone, will write the shots. 

The riff-raff of the country will pay the taxes, do the grunt work, march down to the voting booth to place an "X" in front of the only name on the ballot, and cheer for the winner at the appropriate times. 

The MAGA/Republican Cult has out-maneuvered the rest of us and only we are to blame. We were warned so many times, but we just never thought it would happen in America. 

And that's what we get for thinkin'!

Grandma told us - she abso-damn-lutely told us!

And now she's working hard on the solution. 


Friday, May 10, 2024

We're all being bamboozled. . .

A man named Trump, with the blessings of the entire "GOP/MAGA Pig Pen full of greedy autocrats" just dropped a "Big Ask" on the filthy rich Big Oil Companies. Trump told them if they gave him ONE BILLION DOLLARS (probably in small unmarked one hundred dollar bills), he would take care of their tax bills and kill the electric car tax incentive. 

I guess bribes must no longer be against the law or even a hint of shame. They probably slipped a law through congress when we weren't looking. 

The billion-dollar "ask" is for his campaign expense. Of course, we all know what happens to any campaign money that is not used. We all know the law, but which of us actually really knows what happens to it?  Has anyone ever followed the money trail?

Every time an unspent one-hundred dollars is left, we hear a little bell tinkle somewhere, and somewhere a crooked candidate. . .  is one-hundred dollars richer. 

America, when are we going to wise up and fix these rotten bribery games?  They are openly defying us to do something about them!

As for the "Big Oil" guys, they can find $1 Billion in their petty cash drawer. 

Sleep well, rubes. 

Attention: Carpetbaggers in Montana!

 Hold on there, buddy. . . Montana is our home
and we have our own politicians!

Out-of-staters are one thing, and we tolerate most of them, but we view it as pretty unfriendly when they show up just to run for a state or federal office. We suggest you go back home and run for an office there  - where they know you and you know them.

You're not fooling anyone. We know that with only about 468,000 total voters in our last Montana election, it is very cheap to buy an office here.  Montana already has more than their fill of political-type carpetbaggers who haven't the slightest idea about what Montanans need or want.

The kind of "carpetbaggers" we are speaking of are allegedly opportunistic folks from another state who came of their own volition or were urged by their political party to come to Montana and run for a specific office.

Whatever the reason, they are but a part of the overall problem. There seems to be an influx of people with an ungodly amount of money and with but one goal:  Buy what ever they can in the "Last Best Place."  It's like the 1860s gold rush!

This election may be our last best time to make our "last stand" before we're inundated with carpetbaggers!

Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Missteps of the Florida Judge

Missy and the don

There has to be an entire case study done  on what happened in the Southern Kangaroo Court District of Florida. This is the bench of the dishonorable Judge Missy.  She was found by one of Trump's "finders" as she was lounging around one of Florida's teenage game rooms. She was biding her time with a few games of "Hot Wheels and Hotter Mommas" while one of her resumes answered her search for a job as judge. 

Suddenly, a man in a pair of bib overalls and fancy hat spied her and walked over. "You Miss Missy," asked the guy. "Yes sir," she answered.  "You know a guy named Trump, Missy?" She said, "Kinda."  He asks, "You want a job? All you gotta do is do anything he tells you to do." Little Missy giggles and says, "Cool. I can do that."

And just like that, another Trump-qualified Judge is born!

(Some names and places have been changed to protect the guilty.)

Down in the land of sunshine and haters
lives a strange and awkward bunch.
They lie on the beach and play with the 'gators,
And dine on sand crabs for lunch.

The original indictment with 37 felony counts against Trump were filed on June 8, 2023 in federal district court in Miami by the office of the Smith special counsel investigation. On July 27, a superseding indictment charged an additional three felonies against Trump.

Three days ago, May 6, 2024, Judge Missy announced she has halted the case - INDEFINETELY!

This must not stand. Those top secret and secret documents, or copies,  might be in any foreign agent's hands right now! Did he sell them?  Did he trade them for something?  With Donald Trump, who knows?