Wednesday, May 22, 2024

When does our Justice Department step in? I know, after Nov. 5, 2024

Boxes of documents in his bathroom and den.
Documents of secrets and of countries and men.

Former President Donald Trump, as he left the White House, scurried off with boxes and boxes of our government's documents - some highly-sensitive and top secret, and stashed them in his Mar-a-Lago home in Florida. When it was found out by our government, he was asked to return them. He, of course, said he would get them right back. Months later, and several more requests which were ignored, the FBI had to conduct an unannounced raid to retrieve them. When asked if that was all, he said "YES."

Well, guess what?  Donald Trump lied again. It has been reported that he still has documents!

To add to this insane handling by our legal beagles, Judge Eileen Cannon, a proven inexperienced judge who is incapable of doing the job and who was appointed by Trump, said two weeks ago that she was going to interrupt the case against Trump indefinitely - or at least until after the 2024 election! 

This flagrant mishandling of some of our nation's most top secret information is treasonous. What he intends to do - or has already done - to these documents is anyone's guess right now. And with this twit judge Cannon involved, we may never know.

Are we going to just let this nightmare fall into the black hole with other unresolved stories of Trump's egregious handling of things?

HAPPENING TODAY: A judge is listening to arguments about why the entire case shouldn't be dismissed!

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