A Common Sense Choice. . .

It's A Binary Choice, Karen

You have but two rational choices when you vote for President of the United States this November 5, 2024. While there may be other names on the ballot, there are but, realistically, two major political party candidates from which to chose. That makes it simple for most folks.

However, this Sunday morning on the news talk shows it appears there are many choices we haven't considered. 

The news channels were filled with African Americans who think they are being ignored by Joe Biden. They recite reasons - chapter and verse - why their needs are not being met. There are black folks who can't get by on their low wages to pay for the high prices of groceries. They can't afford to pay their increased home or apartment rent  and they can't buy a home.  And, they are threatening to not vote for for Joe Biden.  Are they really going to stay home or vote for Trump?  If they stay home, that'll be a vote for Trump, too.

So, it suddenly must be Biden's fault. Evidently, he is guilty of only raising costs on black people. 

That makes it difficult to know what to do in November at the ballot box. Biden or Trump. . . what to do. . . what to do?

One thing that may make the choice easier, though. What in the hell do you think Trump is going to do for you? He doesn't give a damn about what you can and can't afford. He is about as far from thinking about your pain as any Republican ever has.  

This binary choice has made it so easy for us, we can't make a mistake - even if we tried.  One guy wants to keep us safe and warm in our 236-year democracy while the other guy wants to send us into a ruthless authoritarian rule. Many of the MAGA/Republican seems to have even found much they like about Putin's Russia and they are letting the rest of us know how they feel. We are in extremely dangerous times.

Do you really believe there is a choice?  Well, maybe you do if you lean toward blowing up our democracy and handing it over to a madman and his cult!



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