Tuesday, May 7, 2024

He is Invincible. . . in his own mind

Threats and Intimidations

I could say it's a novel way to get elected, but that would be a  lie. He campaigned the same despicable way last time and the voters ate it up. He proved you can tell them big fat lies, you can threaten to throw their votes in the dumpster, you can send the goons to visit  your home to help you decide who to vote for, and you can intimidate them by telling them you are going to win - at any-and-all  cost!

If he does, by some cheating chance, lose, there will be blood running in the streets and Civil War 2.0 will sound the first shot bright and early Wednesday morning following the election!

Pity the fool who thinks he can be beaten. He is going to be "America's First Monarch" - the destroyer of democracy! He has read Hitler's "Mein Kampf" cover-to-cover, he has digested the history books of Mussolini, and he has studied the emails and tweets of great men and women such as McConnell, Graham, Cruz, Taylor-Greene, Boebert, Jordan and others.

His mission statement reads, "Never let an election loss get in the way of an overturned vote count, an insurrection, or a coup on the government." 

When you put your evil, rotten, deplorable, mind to it, you can win at anything! 

Hail, Herr Dummkopf! 
German word meaning: "stupid head" or "numbskull")

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