Sunday, May 26, 2024

The TRUTH is always out there if you want to look for it

While the Constitution established the executive, legislative and judicial branches, the phrase "Fourth Estate" reflects the unofficial but widely accepted role the news media play in providing citizens with information they can use to check governmental power.

The "Fifth" Estate extends the sequence of the three classical  Estates of the Realm, nobility, clergy, subjects and the preceding Fourth Estate, essentially the mainstream press.

The wheels came off the "engine of information" when high tech minds conceived a monster called "the internet." It took little knowledge of the user to learn how to navigate the universe of information that was available. As planned, the newspapers in America began to disappear. 

So how does this have anything to do with our democracy?  Well, that answer would be, "Everything!"

In order to jump right to the point, I would sum up the  answer this way:  As people became "techifide" (my word), they began sucking up information like they had six straws in the root beer glass. 

The problem with that, however, was evident as soon as yellow-bellied, liver-eatin', conspiracy-theorist-politicians saw a chance to make a buck or two! Politicians can win on a boat load of lies or see that their opponents will lose on a barge load of lies. 

The supposed news was not news.  It was a lying, cheating, dirty-dealing pack of lies to either help somebody get elected or to help somebody get his opponent not elected. Liars and their lies are not fussy. What ever sells the "story."

The problem with that, of course, is innocent readers have no idea what the truth is. But, too many of them have learned how to work the system: If what they read meets with what they want the truth to be, they accept the lie is as gospel. 

The moral of the story is this:  Too many Americans are buying lies by the truckload and selling it to anyone who will listen. Our nation is in a world of hurt right now, and people are acting like it doesn't matter. It the conspiracy theory sound good to them. it must be the truth. 

We are now being asked to make  all kinds of decisions based on lies. Our political leaders lie to each other - and to us - like it is second-nature to them.  

Bring back the daily and weekly newspapers and get us moved back to the days of honesty. Sure a newspaper made mistakes, but they were ALWAYS ready to correct it when caught. If, on a rare situation, an outright lie was printed, the case would be handles through libel law suits.

Try to sue your internet information "journalist!"

Or, you can just keep on truckin' with a garbage truck full of lies!

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