Thursday, May 23, 2024

Is the Montana MAGA/Republicans going supernova?

When a star dies, it can become a white dwarf, neutron star, or black hole. The process of a star's death depends on its mass. Once there is no fuel left, the star collapses and the outer layers explode as a supernova. What's left over after a supernova explosion, if there's sufficient mass, is a black hole.

Such is the life of the Montana Republican/MAGA Party. They have become a "white" dwarf and since there is little fuel left, they will collapse and their remnants will explode as a supernova. We tried to tell them they were getting too big for their britches. Their arrogant approach to unwanted changes became a frenzy they couldn't control. They are just lucky they haven't become a black hole  yet - that would really drive them crazy!

The supernova will now be about 5,5 parsecs away and moving - too far to ever  again be of a consequence to Montanans. 

The Montana MAGAs have shot their wad and proved they were a serious nuisance to our beautiful state. Their ideas about voting, abortions, and meddling with our laws were too much. They tried to rig everything in their favor. Political shenanigans are one thing, but outright corruptions in our rights and way of life was unstainable. Their only option left was to go supernova. 

Go mess with someone else's galaxy!

WE'RE GOING TO GO VOTE IN NOVEMBER! . . . and watch that grand supernova in our night sky.


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