Sunday, May 26, 2024

Just What IS Gianforte Doing . . Other Than "Selling Off Montana?"

He Looked Like A Trumpster Once, Didn't He!

Just How Conservative Is Greg Gianforte? His opponent, Tanner Smith of Flathead Valley thinks he is a "Chamber of Commerce Republican" . . far too moderate for what the Montana Republican Party wants. Smith, on the other hand, is a screaming far-right conservative who wants to keep Montana in that column. 

It's going to be a good Primary fight to watch. The interesting thing about it, however, is not so much between the two men as it is between the two ideologies! The winner could decide how Montana leans in the November election. 

As we look once again at the photo of Gianforte (above), I am reminded  (as I put a Trump hairdo on him) that I thought he had a distinctly familiar look about him that seemed to infer he was a Trump kind of guy. Was I wrong or has Smith figures out  that Gov. Gianforte has, indeed, changed his stripes in mid-term?

If he's running from Trump, that's a good thing. But what the state Republican Party thinks is more important. Can the supermajority still hold for another four years or have they done too much damage?

Lastly, where are the Democrats in all of this? Could they make the supermajority pay for the damage they have done? I sure don't see much in advertising about the damage. . . yet!

Let's see what shakes out of the Republican Primary, first.

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