Tuesday, May 28, 2024

It's a Justice-Billionaire marriage made in Hell. . .

By a vote of 5 to 4...Justices may now marry their billionaires!

A recent decision of great importance has just been handed down by the most biased Supreme Court of the United States of all time. Justice Sam Alito said, "I feel so free and unencumbered, I think this has been too long coming and I am going to plan right now for a personal jet trip to my donor's private island and spend a few days in his cabana. He's even giving me some traveling money! Of course, I have to remember to vote for his deal when it comes up to the court."

"Cautious" Clarence Thomas was giddy and smiling ear-to-ear at the news. His equally giddy wife, Ginni, was beside herself with joy and already had at least six new ideas for her next activist luncheon as they plan for the upcoming "Insurrectionist Ball." The Clarence and Ginny gifts of luxury and fun in the sun trips will be coming together nicely.

Other Justices will now be able to step out in their finery and enjoy the best from various millionaire and billionaire donors who will be able to toss exotic gifts their way without fear.

The little smiles on their little faces as they safely can now marry their favorite billionaires is so good for their moral. Happy Justices make happy decisions!

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