Did anyone dream of growing up to be Hitler? I mean, other than Trump!


The Third Reich, meaning "Third Realm" or "Third Empire," referred to the Nazi claim that Nazi Germany was the successor to the earlier Holy Roman Empire (1714) the First Reich; German Empire (1914), the Second Reich; and Nazi Germany in (1942), the "Third Reich."

Today, Trump's minions say he is claiming America will be his "United Reich" when elected. 

Today, a video posted to Trump's account on his social media network included references to a "United Reich" among hypo-theatrical news headlines if he wins the election in November. And, he is not one  bit bashful about telling us the great news! If any of you are wondering if it's just a sales pitch or the God's truth, I'm beginning to think he abso-damn-lutely means it! Maybe he thinks it's a good way to begin Civil War II, which is his real dream job!

Enough is enough.

This is the campaign strategy of a man who wants to be our president. This is the man who has shown us he has more love for the world's dictators than for our allies - and our fellow Americans. These are his words!

And the pollsters are telling us this IS a tight race right now!

If you can go to the ballot box in November and vote for such a man, then there is nothing more I can say. 

Wait, an image just flashed before my eyes: Donnie Trump in a pair of  "lederhosen" which are short, leather pants for German men, as seen in the above photo of Adolph. I'll pay good money for that photograph!


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