Check out the Montana GOP candidates' pedigree - Many are "bum steers"

It's been a dark and stormy session for the Montana GOP/MAGA clowns. The "supermajority" has not been quite so super and it has not  been quite so successful, either. 

Their clown car careened from one ditch of trouble into another and was as if the driver had a little too much "ego sauce" and acted like they had won the "it's all ours" grand prize!

Republican/MAGAs are known for their chaotic  and complete disorder and confusion. It's as if the "right" hand doesn't know what the "far-right" hand is doing. They are a political cult that can't be trusted to do what's right for Montanans. They are great at taking care of themselves, however.

To add more "horse power to the wreck," the cult is planning on adding more MAGA drivers to the road - and they ain't Montanans!  Tim Sheehy wants to be one of our U.S. Senators, which would pair him up with Steve Daines, another man who thinks and acts like he doesn't even know where Montana is. Sheehy, a multi-millionaire from a lake-side mansion in Minnesota has been gathering up mansions in Montana's two-ritzy locations (Flathead Lake and Big Sky) plus 35,000 acres elsewhere. He was hand-picked by the Washington GOP machinery and the advertising dollars are flowing in like water. 

Right now, however, we need to concentrate on how the GOP/MAGA are trying to finish buying Montana. 

For those of us who would rather have Montanans calling the shots for Montanans, we may have to start handing out the life vests.  If we keep loosing control to the MAGA/Money guys, we'll need them!

Be sure you check out the BS pedigree of all GOP/MAGA candidates before you vote. Most of them are "bum steers!"


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