We're all being bamboozled. . .

A man named Trump, with the blessings of the entire "GOP/MAGA Pig Pen full of greedy autocrats" just dropped a "Big Ask" on the filthy rich Big Oil Companies. Trump told them if they gave him ONE BILLION DOLLARS (probably in small unmarked one hundred dollar bills), he would take care of their tax bills and kill the electric car tax incentive. 

I guess bribes must no longer be against the law or even a hint of shame. They probably slipped a law through congress when we weren't looking. 

The billion-dollar "ask" is for his campaign expense. Of course, we all know what happens to any campaign money that is not used. We all know the law, but which of us actually really knows what happens to it?  Has anyone ever followed the money trail?

Every time an unspent one-hundred dollars is left, we hear a little bell tinkle somewhere, and somewhere a crooked candidate. . .  is one-hundred dollars richer. 

America, when are we going to wise up and fix these rotten bribery games?  They are openly defying us to do something about them!

As for the "Big Oil" guys, they can find $1 Billion in their petty cash drawer. 

Sleep well, rubes. 


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