I'm Mad as Hell. . . and I ain't Gonna; Take It Anymore!

Have we learned nothing about the Republican/MAGA goals for  our nation? Did they not tell us in no uncertain words that they were going to "blow up our democracy and re-build with their version of authoritarian or dictatorial rule? Did they not spell out chapter-and-verse the dastardly things they were going to do as they eliminate some of our most precious rights?

From their presumptive Republican nominee for president; from their congressional party leaders; from their radical  fringe-element renegades across the nation; and from their MAGA biased media conspiracy theorists . . . they have all made it very clear -  to anyone who will listen -  exactly what their plans are to end our democracy and constitution.

When people say that this election may be the most important election in which any of us will participate, that is not one ounce of hyperbole. 

Get involved - Get ready to fight - and Get mad as hell!  This is not their government - it is ours and anyone who will fight for it.


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