The Missteps of the Florida Judge

Missy and the don

There has to be an entire case study done  on what happened in the Southern Kangaroo Court District of Florida. This is the bench of the dishonorable Judge Missy.  She was found by one of Trump's "finders" as she was lounging around one of Florida's teenage game rooms. She was biding her time with a few games of "Hot Wheels and Hotter Mommas" while one of her resumes answered her search for a job as judge. 

Suddenly, a man in a pair of bib overalls and fancy hat spied her and walked over. "You Miss Missy," asked the guy. "Yes sir," she answered.  "You know a guy named Trump, Missy?" She said, "Kinda."  He asks, "You want a job? All you gotta do is do anything he tells you to do." Little Missy giggles and says, "Cool. I can do that."

And just like that, another Trump-qualified Judge is born!

(Some names and places have been changed to protect the guilty.)

Down in the land of sunshine and haters
lives a strange and awkward bunch.
They lie on the beach and play with the 'gators,
And dine on sand crabs for lunch.

The original indictment with 37 felony counts against Trump were filed on June 8, 2023 in federal district court in Miami by the office of the Smith special counsel investigation. On July 27, a superseding indictment charged an additional three felonies against Trump.

Three days ago, May 6, 2024, Judge Missy announced she has halted the case - INDEFINETELY!

This must not stand. Those top secret and secret documents, or copies,  might be in any foreign agent's hands right now! Did he sell them?  Did he trade them for something?  With Donald Trump, who knows?


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