Friday, May 31, 2024

We still need to finish removing the evil

I find no good reason to rejoice in the verdict by the Trump "Hush Money" Trial. The time that was wasted in our nation has taken us through the gates of hell and far beyond. It ravaged the souls of otherwise good people and left all of us with a bitter taste in our mouths for what we thought our rule of law  was supposed to be. 

The outcome was justly decided, but the fields of brambles and thorns we endured have left scars that may never heal. Today, the leaders of the conservative party are proclaiming the verdict against Donald Trump was wrongfully given. 

Political retribution by Republican/MAGA Representatives and Senators is being called for in order to salvage their self-induced - and near fatal - wounds. They must all shoulder the blame for the near-absolute support they gave to a man they all must have known was guilty of treason. Each one of them must change direction or else leave their political futures.

How we will overcome this evil tragedy and come out stronger is anyone's guess today.  It will take a lot of soul-searching on the part of those who were complicit in Trump's authoritarian drive to end our democracy. They, too, should be found guilty by a jury of their peers, but there is a strange and unknown force that ignores the will of the people to bring the guilty to justice.

The framers of our Constitution and Rule of Law have buried their heads in their hands in frustration and embarrassment. When will we ever get rid of the entire cancer that is ravaging our political body? Because right now - today - we have barely even touched the worst of it! The remnants of the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, QAnon, and others are all still "standing back and standing by!" They're looking for Trump  - or the next "would-be emperor."

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