The MAGA/Republicans Cometh Again. . .

Trump has told them to "Stand Back and Stand By"
January 6, 2021

May, 2024
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-MAGA-Florida)
told the former president in the Court House
"We're Standing Back and Standing By, Mr. President"

January 6, 2021, was a day that "will live in infamy." It was the day Republican Party/ MAGA  members, officials of the Party, Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, QAnon, and various other thugs attacked our Capitol with the intent to overturn a presidential election and restore Donald Trump's hold on the Oval Office.

It did not succeed. . . but it came so close, it scared the hell out of our nation!

The final count of the electoral college votes is coming again on January 6, 2025 following the presidential election, unless the date is changed by law.

All we can do is wait and wonder. Will the evil in our nation rear up and attack our capitol, our constitution, our rule of law, and our democracy. . . again?

The only thing standing between MAGA and us is OUR VOTES!


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