There is a Take-Over happening in Montana. . .


The Republican/MAGA politicians around the country are quietly moving unknown and unwanted denizens of the rich and powerful to "buy" the whole damn state of Montana -  lock, stock and barrel - including all available political offices! It's been going on for awhile, but now it's getting serious!

They come bearing exploits of their daring military life, such as a combat-hardened, wounded Navy Seal from a Minnesota lake-side mansion where he grew up. There is another Navy Seal who - as near as anyone can tell - lives in California. We thank them for their service, but it hardly makes them qualified to be our state's U.S. House  or U.S. Senate candidates. 

Our Governor was born in San Diego, California, as were others who came from outside of Montana, and  are serving in Montana politics. We're not opposed to those who chose our beautiful state, but they should have learned to assimilate! The Borg on Star Trek had it right:  Assimilate or die. . . Resistance is futile!

There are also people who are not politicians but are moving in anyway, with pockets bulging with money, buying homes site-unseen, and move around like ghosts among our population. Suddenly, they pop up in our small towns from God-only-knows where. 

It is like the invasion of the aliens from Planet Number Nine and they were sent here from the MAGA recruitment service. They do not know us or our beautiful Montana and its needs! We're in for trouble, folks. Montana can become a place we natives will not recognize - or maybe not even care to recognize!



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