Thursday, May 2, 2024

Let the Image of the Holy Sneakers Be With You


That which MAGA hath hammered into his likeness, let no Republican voter put asunder. 

Verily, they sayeth unto the "holy sneakers," we are with you until the sun doth shine no more. 

Thus, the promise of the cult of the Holy Sneakers will carry MAGA to victory on November 5, 2024. The gates of hell will open up and the believers in the Holy Sneakers shall all enter in. They will be met with the sounds of "TRUMPets" and the shouts of alternative electoral voters. Fake election workers will mingle throughout the crowd to verify no one strayed from the votes that were meant for the Holy Sneakers. 

It has been ordained that any vote cast for "Sleepy Joe" will bring about a "Bloodbath" of biblical proportions. 

So it is written. . . and so it shall be. 

(I know, I haven't been well lately. Think of me with abundant kindness.)  - blog writer

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