Attention: Carpetbaggers in Montana!

 Hold on there, buddy. . . Montana is our home
and we have our own politicians!

Out-of-staters are one thing, and we tolerate most of them, but we view it as pretty unfriendly when they show up just to run for a state or federal office. We suggest you go back home and run for an office there  - where they know you and you know them.

You're not fooling anyone. We know that with only about 468,000 total voters in our last Montana election, it is very cheap to buy an office here.  Montana already has more than their fill of political-type carpetbaggers who haven't the slightest idea about what Montanans need or want.

The kind of "carpetbaggers" we are speaking of are allegedly opportunistic folks from another state who came of their own volition or were urged by their political party to come to Montana and run for a specific office.

Whatever the reason, they are but a part of the overall problem. There seems to be an influx of people with an ungodly amount of money and with but one goal:  Buy what ever they can in the "Last Best Place."  It's like the 1860s gold rush!

This election may be our last best time to make our "last stand" before we're inundated with carpetbaggers!


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