Is Netanyahu a Bomb-throwing Right-Winger?

"Bibi" Netanyahu leads the most right-wing coalition in Israel's history. However, after promising he would govern for all Israelis, his planned reforms have met with mass protests on a scale barely seen since the creation of the state 75 years ago.

If Genghis Kahn were alive today, he would have to look to his far right to see Netanyahu!

There is a cloud of an ongoing criminal trial for alleged bribery, fraud and breach of trust - charges he denies. His opponents see him as a danger to Israeli democracy itself.

True to form are his far right thoughts about democracy. He is heralded by American Republicans as being in their camp and whenever "Bibi" gets in trouble, the American GOP invites him to come to congress and get a little lovin'. 

This looks like just one more step toward authoritarian control by "Bibi" and his buddies from the Republican/MAGA side of the world. More important, to criticize him is in no way a sign of antisemitism. It is a sign that, like a majority of Israelis, they have a "mad-man war-monger" in charge of their country. Only 15% of Israelis want him to keep his job.

Our democracy is constantly being challenged by would-be and real monarchs who are looking for sympathy from our traitorous Republican/MAGA right-wingers.

The good people of Israel deserve better!

An Opinion From
John Watson


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