Make Montana Great Again. . . Like Before the MAGA bunch rode in!

Republican politicians 
are giving Montana a bad name!

The Republican Party of Montana opened the flood gates of candidates this year and let some of the worst of the worst pour out across the state. 

The Republican National Committee is already showing grave concerns that they may have put in a dud to run against a very popular U.S. Senator Jon Tester. Tim Sheehy has more warts than a Kalispell bull frog and I'm guessing "no amount of lipstick will pretty him up."

Old timer Denny Rehberg has been tagged by fellow Republicans as a China government operative who evidently, according to other Montana Republicans, had something to do with their hot air balloon spy missions over our country. It seems his money is running low and he needs to get back into the lobbyist game of helping China.  Who knew?

There are many other duds, too, but you know them as well as I do. Vote accordingly.

Even Gov. Gianforte has an opponent in the Primary race. That may sound strange to some because the Republican Party of Montana had a gigantic red wave win last time around and ended up with a big supermajority in the Legislature. 

The Party did make folks mad when they got carried away with their arrogant power and attacked some sensitive issues. They jumped on election laws, abortion rights, and our court system. And they weren't nice about any of it, either!

The big fight, however, is to grab the U.S. Senate seat from Tester. The RNC thought they had a real winner in Sheehy: Navy Seal, multi-millionaire, male. . .a Republican dream come true. Soon, the truth started leaking out. His new business lost $77 million, he lied about things in his personal life, and then there was that story about dropping his rifle in a parking lot and getting a bullet in his arm  - or was it something else? It seems there are too  many questions about his honesty. I think we can write-off this guy.

Anyway, my advice would be to just stick to the "blue" side of the ballot. They ran the state very well for 16 years before the MAGA bunch rolled into town. 

Why take a chance on these authoritarians again!


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