Lawyers, Lawyers, everywhere. . .

"The law is a system that protects everyone who can afford to hire a good lawyer."  Mark  Twain

"To succeed in the other trades, capacity must be shown; in the law, concealment of it will do."  Mark Twain

As the old joke goes: What do you have with one-million lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?  Answer: a good start. As of Jan. 1, 2023, there were 1,331,290 active lawyers in the ABA National Lawyer Population Survey, a tally of every state. 

That means there would be one attorney for every 240 humans (man, woman, child, or infant) in America. I'm guessing that would sound over-saturated to most of us, but statistics show the American Bar Association is crying for more. We are either very litigious or we are very bad people! (or, both!)

Of course, if we could eliminate political shenanigans from the total, we could probably get rid of about one-third of the attorneys. And, if we could get rid of a certain you-know-who and his circle of crooks, we could cut that down ever further!


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