RFK, Jr. announced today that doctors found a dead brain-eating worm in his partly-eaten brain. He says he now suffers short-term and long-term memory loss. Good Lord!

Now, we have all heard of partly-inactive brains, partly-dishonest brains, and partly-irrational brains in politicians, but a brain-eating worm is a new one.  While I don't disbelieve RJK Jr. for one minute, this announcement must be a sad and scary time for him. We have all heard of similar news stories and it evidently does happen.

However, when a candidate for president of the United States tell us, we had better listen close. This is no time to make jokes about a hungry, brain-eating worm!

After all, we already have another presidential candidate in this race who has had a lobotomy and a poorly-made blond toupee to cover the scars. (I read that in a magazine at Safeway's check-out counter.)

Anyway, I'd vote for Bobby, Jr. even if that glutenous worm gobbled up half of his brain before I'd vote for the lobotomy guy.


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