Wednesday, May 22, 2024

This just ain't right, folks. . . it's just ain't right!

Justice Samuel Alito, miles to the right of Genghis Kahn, and the eternal darling of the MAGA right-wing Republican Party sits on the United States Supreme Court. He should be sitting  there a little more softly these days since his upside-down American flag of distress flew over his home last week. Today, however, another flag of equal concern flew over another of his homes. We've let him get away with too much already!

So, why is this of importance to me - and ultimately to you? Because the Supreme Court Justices see themselves as pure as the fresh driven snow and aligned to no particular political persuasion. Of course, the whole world is aware of Alito's arrogant love-affair with the capitalistic right.

The congressional liberals have finally had enough of his shenanigans and they are as wild as a herd of stampeding donkeys. Alito is reveling in the seemingly untouchable position he enjoys, and each time he goes on his tirade against anyone who ain't a MAGA/Republican, no one bothers to rein him in. Of course, this makes each of his "shows" harder to do something about.

His buddy, Justice Clarence Thomas and his activist wife Gini, are no slouches at Alito's game, either. They have lists of right-wing escapades as long as your arm, as well. Ginni Thomas and Alito are both soft on the Jan. 6th Insurrection. Ginni has been accused of being an active worker in the mess.

So, why is this so important?  

It is earth-shaking important because we have a court of ultimate decision makers of whom some have biased thinking and absolutely no ethics code!  And that is damned important!

Now, what are we going to do about it? 

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