A more disgusting display you'll never again see. . .

Standing outside the court house, Speaker Johnson and a smattering of MAGA House members hoped their lord and savior would see them and have mercy on their souls - and maybe a Vice-Presidential spot on the ticket. Hey, they're fawning for attention, but that's what they do! What a feeble, miserable excuse of elected officials!

See the little MAGA friends all in a row,
Waitin' for the guilty one - waitin' for his show.
Trump has been despondent, lonely, sad and blue,
The MAGA friends were told to come, and Johnson, that means you!

"Our boss is really innocent, as pure as falling snow,"
And the lyin' Democrats are  just doing this for show."
Others in the tiny crowd stood silent out of fear,
While the Speaker gave the eulogy - they knew the end was near.



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