Friday, March 19, 2021

An Autopsy on the Grand Old Party. . .

Let's perform an autopsy on the Republican Party while  it's still alive, but in a comatose state.

Elephants are reported to live for years and years, and display excellent memories.  Well, the ones who stomp around Washington D.C. have lost out on both of those qualities.  They ain't long for this world and they can't remember one thing that once made them great!

So, turn on the overhead lamp, drag out the scalpel, and we'll see what's killing 'em off.

They have been in a downward spiral since Nixon. He was the crook of all crooks.  He really thought being president made him above the law and just about anything else he could think of.  Then came the great communicator, Reagan, who tried to sell us on  some cockamamie story about "trickle-down economics." Yeah, we didn't bite on that, either!  Then we wound up with a second Bush.  Junior was rather short-changed in the grey matter, if you know what I mean.  The Party compensated, however, and assigned a guy named Karl Rove to be Junior's "brain."  I don't think it helped much, though.  Then, horror of horrors, we were hit broadside with the con man of the century - Donald Trump.  He tied this nation in knots for four painful years and there are many who are still trying to nominate him for sainthood. 

As Shakespeare wrote, "To sleep, perchance to dream; aye, there's the rub. . ."  Yes, the "Great Orange One" has had that sickening "rub" on all of us  -  even the smittenest of his Grand Old Party, if they would be honest with themselves.

But Humpity Trumpity is gone.  Why isn't the Party moving on?  Why are they finding it so hard to cut the umbilical cord? 

Even worse, Trumpity has left them with a terrible disposition.  They are ready to fight the world at the drop of a hat!  Their attitudes closely resemble a wounded water buffalo in heat and no mates for miles.

To make it even worse, they are taking their hostility out on anyone who comes close.  They strike out with the most outrageous ideas and try to jam them down our throats.  If we say "white," they say "black."  If we say "up," they say, "down." And their excuse:  "It's their God-given right and nobody can say it ain't."  If we want to have everyone wear a mask to save lives during the pandemic, they say, "Hell No!"  If we want to get everyone vaccinated, they say, "Hell No!"

Psychiatrists say a child will rebel when you tell them they must be reprimanded.  Especially if they know they've done something that warrants a reprimand.

We are seeing this happening in the U.S. Senate and House every day.  These supposedly intelligent people are acting like children.  They see "lies" and say it's "truth."  They see "good" and find a way to make it "evil."

I'm no psychiatrist, but I know a political party  that has a boat load of juvenile delinquents running up and down the halls and using cuss words and sounding like Class A bigots!  They are rebelling because they foisted the biggest con artist on our nation and they don't like being the ones who not only did it, but hoisted him onto their shoulders and marched him around the parade grounds like he was the second coming!

And then, one day they found out who he really was.  He was even capable of turning on them, too!  Then the attitudes took a sharp about-face, looked into a mirror, and saw all of the egg on their faces.

These con men who have found out they were conned too, are stinky mad and taking it out on us.  Kids with names like Graham, McConnell, Johnson, Cruz, Roy, Jordan, Graetz, Greene, McCarthy. . . you know all of the names. . . they are all absent from work and making life hell for the rest of us.

That's about it for the autopsy. It's time to either wake up the patient or sew up the cadaver.

Elephant, what's it gonna' be?


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