Monday, March 8, 2021

The Battle For American Voters

If there is one fight left in us, it must be the fight to stop the Republican Party from suppressing our people's right to vote.

This is serious, this is real, and this is the battle for the soul of our nation.  Never in the history of America has a political party mounted a more deliberate and inhumane assault against the single most important right we possess. Their goal is to stop large swaths of our population from voting.

The Republican Party has for decades been covertly throwing up roadblocks for our citizens of color from getting to the polls.  The GOP has offered up false and disingenuous excuses to disqualify certain people.  They continually gave lies about how fraudulent our system is.  In the 2020 election, every one of our fifty states carefully confirmed that no such voting occurred, even though the former president and many of his Republican Party members still advance what has become known as the "big lie" that the election was stolen.  The vote was, in fact, a landslide win!

Today, the GOP no longer does their dirty work of voter suppression in the shadows. They are out in the open and have offered up nearly 250 new and outrageous bills in more than 45 of our states that reek with the stench of voter suppression!  Most of the bills are ridiculous on their face and show vile contempt for these minority voters they fear the most.  

Senator Lindsey Graham (R) said, "if we don't do something about voting by mail, we are going to lose the ability to elect a Republican in this country"

Former President Trump said, "if it were made easier to vote, Republicans would never win again."


Rep. Matt Gaetz (R) said, "the Republican Party will not be able to reclaim the White House as long as universal mail-in balloting remains in place."

This is a fight that we cannot lose, and it will take all of us to defeat this inhumane Republican attack on our ballot rights.  They are deadly serious and no longer hide their devious lies from the past.  They intend to meet any opponent of their suppression tactics head on.

Democrats want to make voting easier - with no shenanigans - and Republicans want to place as many barricades and bad laws in our way as possible.  

This, alone, should tell you something about the differences
 in our political parties!


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