The Trumpaphants. . .

The plundering beasts are fading from American politics. Their proud and glorious past was not enough to battle the new breed known as Trumpaphants. Sadly, the GOP is wallowing in the tar pits of history, hoping for a future tribe to come along and re-discover them. 

Let's take a peek at what has been left in the tar pits following their demise.

Former Senator John Danforth (R-MO) says the Grand Old Party is a "grotesque caricature of its former self. It is in decline in uncompetitive swaths of the country."  He added, "he regrets supporting his replacement, Sen. Josh Hawley."  (Sen. Hawley is one of the outrageously outspoken imbeciles of the new tribe."

Bill Krystal, for years the voice of Conservatism in America, has absolutely nothing good to say about today's U.S. House and Senate Republicans.  He told Brian Williams on MSNBC that they are guilty of nihilism, the rejection of all religious and moral principles, in the belief that their life is meaningless. (Those are ghastly words that were probably used in dark corners about a man named Hitler in his early beginnings.)  They harbor extreme skepticism that nothing in the world has a real existence except, perhaps, their own.

That description would certainly explain why the behavior of many Republican Politicians is so blatantly absurd.  Their words and actions are reckless and utterly foreign to what we know as normal politics.  We watch in horror at the irrational lies and hugely confrontational statements they make to and about their opponents.

America has reason to pause and contemplate the tenuous state our government is in since the former president, his administration, and the war-like state since his defeat in the 2020 election.  He has incited his irrational base and, more important, many of the current Republican Congressional Members to fight the "big lie" with him. It is inconceivable that this can happen today in America.

Perhaps our current president needs to consider a second "reconstruction of America," similar to what we had to undertake after our Civil War. It would be helpful to our country's total wellbeing, but more importantly, to the advent of the dangerous and spiteful "Trumpaphants!"

At least, it would show that we would be doing something 
for the cause.  If we aren't moving forward, we are losing!



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