Is the World's "Great Experiment" Dead?

"United" no longer exists in the "United States of America?"

It appears the horde of Republicans and their rag-tag cult members have taken care of that.  They have decided to carve out the parts they like and send the rest to the landfill.  It's commonly called an authoritarian move by a class of misfits who no longer subscribe to our 244-year-old democracy.  You remember the one:  Two- hundred-and-forty-four years of  putting all of the people first.  Our founding fathers could no longer take the rules of how to live, what to believe, and no one to serve but the king. so they came to a new land, settled in, and began building a new experiment.  There would be freedom for all. Equal rights for everyone and everyone would have a say in who the lawmakers would be.  Secret ballots were available for all and all became invested in the new experiment.

And the experiment was beautiful.  It became the envy of other nations and they fought to duplicate it for themselves.  The United States of America became that "shinning city on the hill."

That is, until the Republican Party decided to "improve" on it by turning the experiment into their own likeness.  A democracy, to them, was too bogged down in Americans helping Americans.  They felt too restrained, too regulated to do their own "thing."  They could make more money if they were free of this idea of helping someone else. They became greedy.  Their greed grew, and the more it grew, the more selfish they became.  Soon, they were on the outside of the democracy and trying to cut all ties with the rest of us.  They even tried to overthrow the nation in 1861 because they couldn't have slaves. Hundreds of thousand of our citizens died in that bloody experiment.  Today, they're once again trying to overthrow the country because of a bizarre ideological hang-up they came up with. This time, they decided to cause an insurrection against our government to stop a legal election result for president, and take control of our government.  It didn't work and now they are regrouping and planning their next move.

The Grand Old Party has morphed into something evil and unrecognizable!  Their only clear objective is to undo our democracy and replace it with what seems to be a form of authoritarianism.  

Americans have long said that this can't happen in our country.  We are America the beautiful, the leader of the free world, and the most envied place on the planet.

Well, you can get that idea out of your heads, America.  It can happen anywhere there is enough greed and power.  And folks, the GOP has enough of that to cover our entire nation ten feet deep in the stuff.

So, there are three kinds of people in the world: Those who make things happen, those who watch what happens, and those who wonder what happened.

Which one of those are you?


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