The chickens are coming how to roost. . .

Dr. Deborah Birx was a member of the Trump Covid-19 Task Force. Facts are coming to light that tell us she was a loyal choice for the former president, but not so much for anyone else.

She has admitted to Dr. Sanjay Gupta during a CNN interview that hundreds of thousands of Covid-19 patients have died needlessly because former president Trump placed politics before science.  In the interview, Birx said she had conversations with him that made her feel very uncomfortable. She appears to be telling us that she had no choice but to do what she could and try to avoid those things she knew were not going to get passed the approval of the former president.  Her agenda was ludicrous!

It would be akin to Birx witnessing murders, but being afraid to reveal what she saw.  I distinctly remember reading somewhere that keeping your mouth shut makes you guilty by association.

If the medical scientists are now telling us the truth about the number of people who needlessly died, what are we supposed to do about it? 

This is astonishing information!  Did the former president, indeed, put the lives of all of those people over his personal need to stay in power?  Did he and his cohorts actually worked from that kind of a plan book? How many were involved in this murderous rampage?  What are their names?

Now that we have a new man in the White House, are we to just sweep it under the rug like it never happened?  I can't believe we've become this callous about  the deaths of these patients who died without family or friends at their bedsides.  They were only aware of doctors and nurses who held their hands until the end. 

If Birx is really telling the truth, America will never recover from this tragedy!  The stench of their actions will permeate across this nation for centuries!

We have never witnessed such a despicable tyrant as the former president, and it seems he had plenty of wretched loyalists to do his bidding, as well.

Those of us who supported - and continue to support - this man and his minions ought to all burn in the fiery pits of hell!


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