The Devil Went Down To Georgia - indeed!

"Bubba" Kemp
Governor of Georgia

It is only fitting that I am typing this blog in a "Georgia" type font.  While it's true all of my previous blogs were set in the same font, I will be changing to "Times" for all future typesetting. It is my small, humble way of expressing my  rant about the outrageous new voter suppression laws just passed in the once great state of Georgia.

They couldn't have passed worse laws if they brought back - and legalized - lynching!  What in the world are these Republicans thinking?  This new in-your-face voter suppression law sped through the Georgia House, Senate, and on the Governor's desk, all within 24 hours!  That's quicker than a hangman can fashion a noose from a stiff  new rope!

"Bubba" Kemp, Governor of Georgia, chose an "undisclosed location" to sign the bill that was away from prying eyes of the news media. One brave State House Member found the right door and knocked.  She was immediately arrested, handcuffed, and thrown in the pokey.  "Bubba" meant business when he said there would be no spectators except his close friends: Half a dozen old, rich, white guys stood by him as he - we assume - put his real signature on the bill.  (He probably thought "Bubba" Kemp was going a bit too far.)

The photograph (and no, we don't know who took it) of the VSS (Voter Suppression Squad) will go into the annals of Georgia lore as the "day that will languish in infamy." Grandkids and Great-Grandkids will look at their grandparents and ask, "Why in the heck did you let them do?"

The Devil went down to Georgia, he was looking for a soul to steal
He was in a bind, 'cause he was behind, he was willing to make a deal.
When he came across the Governor who's vote stealin' just turned hot.
The Devil jumped on a hickory stump, and said, "Let me tell you what. 
I guess you didn't know it, but I'm a vote stealin' monster, too.
And if you care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you.
Now you're pretty good at stealin' votes, but give the Devil his due.
I'll bet my gold against your soul 'cause I'm the best you never knew.

The signing of this sick bill was March 25, 2021, late in the night. It may well become the date that will remind us of April 12, 1861, early in the morning hours, when Ft. Sumter was fired on - to begin the "first" Civil War."   The Republican Party of America has been itching to start the "second one" for years, and they have finally picked up their "assault muskets" and made the first dramatic move.

The Devil Went Down To Georgia - indeed!


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