The Gianforte Gestapo is still in Session

There are some people who enjoy being mean and there are even some who take great delight in being downright nasty. But then there are some who go out of their way to show just how evil they can really be.

Montana Republican Legislators fall into the latter category. While they haven't reached the level of Hitler's Gestapo yet, it isn't from a lack of trying.  They have gone out of their way to cause pain and disruption to the Montana way of life by passing bills that completely make no sense. They go about their work day as if they are fulfilling a long-held, deep-seated vendetta against the world.

The latest is HB 337.  This is how these gnarling and gnashing twits view women's rights!  They define the start of life at conception and outlaw ALL abortions.  Also, there are no exceptions for rape, incest, or situations where the life of a woman may be at risk.

What part of that makes any sense?

I'm pretty sure those old white, right-wing men who voted for this in the Montana House really didn't spend more than five seconds contemplating the insanity of the bill.  It came from a "brother of the brood" and therefore needed their "yup, you betcha' vote."  It comes as natural to them as putting on their MAGA cap for breakfast.  It is as Republican as screaming "socialists" while depositing their Covid-19 Relief checks.

This HB 337 bill is the epitome of everything a Republican radical ever said bad about abortions. It could only come from the twisted mind of a Republican!

The troubling thing is: Gianforte's Gestapo isn't through yet.

There are more dastardly thoughts rolling around in those otherwise-empty skulls yet to be dumped out onto the Montana House and Senate floors! 

My computer keyboard is just getting warmed up.



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