The former president came very close to overturning the 2020 Presidential Election in America.  We all know the details of how he carried it out, but let's quickly recall the process.  

First, he had to get the ball rolling by proclaiming the voting was knee-deep in fraud. Then he began his assault on key battleground states to get their election results overturned by each governor, secretary of state, and election officials. Let's look at Michigan and Georgia, for starters.  He invited Republican Election Officials from Michigan to the White House to twist their arms.  One yelled "okay" and went home to try to overturn the results.  The other said "no thanks" and went home to vote to leave the results alone. The election results were NOT overturned!
In Georgia, the former president called and "threatened" the Secretary of State to review the election results and "find him the exact number of votes needed to declare him the winner."  The Secretary of State told him to go to hell. Then, the President's Chief of Staff made an unannounced visit to Georgia to "oversee" the counting of ballots by Georgia Election Officials.  He simply stood in the doorway and glared at them. Senator Lindsey Graham (R) also made a "threatening" phone call to the Secretary of State in Georgia to aid his President in overturning the election.

Think about how close we came to seeing our democracy go down the drain.  Think about how close we came to watching our presidential election being overturned and given to "the loser!" Think about how this all began with the President of the United States! His last effort happened on Jan. 6, 2021 when he incited a mob to attack the capitol of his government to stop the Electoral College's certification of the election.  Five people were killed and many were injured.  The nation was - and still is - in disbelief at the lengths this man went to in order to stay in power!

This actually happened.  It is frightening!  And it is going to happen again because the Republican Party of this country has picked up the idea from their former president and have seen to it that more than 250 bills in 43 states are suppressing the votes of millions of Americans.  Please go on line and you will find the details of each one of these sickening bills!

Last night, Governor Kemp of Georgia, signed the most corrupt voter suppression bill ever devised. The signing took place  in the dark of night at a secure location with no press allowed!  Worst yet, the bill made it's way through the Georgia House, Senate, and on the Governor's desk IN ONE DAY!

One item in the Georgia bill is most sickening:  It is now unlawful to offer water or snacks to people who have been standing in long lines for hours to vote!

The Governor of Georgia signed the voter suppression bill at a secure place Thursday night.  When a female elected member of the Georgia House found the location of the signing and knocked on the door, she was immediately arrested, handcuffed, and thrown in jail. The video was on MSNBC.  She was later released on bail and is being charged with a ridiculous crime.

We are at a very dark place.  There is no doubt in my mind that people are going to take desperate and deadly actions as a result of these unbelievable bills. The Republican Party is completely out of control and out of their minds, and have no sign of stopping their dangerous actions!  When Americans are denied their sovereign right to vote, they will take things into their own hands. Maybe this is what the Republicans are waiting for. I hope they've thought it through and are ready for the consequences.

Minorities, the elderly, and the young will find a way to vote, and when they do, only then will the Republican Party finally reap the whirlwind of their ignorant and arrogant thirst for power!  


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