Saturday, March 27, 2021

The Gawd-Awful Truth About The GOP. . .

In no way does anyone even pretend to have the answer to what has happened to the Grand Old Party.  Political pundits on television will try to make you believe they know, but they don't.  Talking heads on FOX "news" will tell us nothing has happened to the GOP.  And if you go straight to the "horses' mouth," the Grand Old Party will tell you they don't have a clue what has happened to them.  (I personally believe it was something put into that punchbowl by the former president.)

All anyone knows is they have recently lost four big elections and they are meaner than than a junkyard dog about life in general. They are like a cornered wild beast and gnarling and gnashing and striking out at anything that makes a move toward them.  They are like a kid who has been told "NO" and is throwing a huge temper tantrum. Their actions are despised by most Americans, and the PARTY. JUST. DOESN'T. GIVE. A. DAMN!

To narrow down what I'm talking about, look at just one example of what 99.9% of America hates in that new, atrocious Georgia law: "The new Georgia Law says it is unlawful to offer water or snacks to someone who has been standing in a long line for hours just to vote."

Now, sit quietly for a minute or two and contemplate that one single item in the new Georgia state "voter suppression" law that was passed by both Houses, and signed by their governor, all within a one-day period, in a secure location, in the dark of night.  Oh, there is enough other nauseating crap in the 100+ page bill, but just consider that one, inhumane part about no water and food shall be offered by family or friends for voters standing in line and trying to do their civic duty and vote!

That, by itself, is the essence of what is wickedly wrong with the Republican Party of America.  

They are acting like they lost their last chance at survival and they are going to go out on a really, really, low note!  They are mad at the world and they are going to make us all pay for something we didn't really have much to do with.  Sure, they fawned over someone who was a con man and a liar and the media gave him a lot of grief for his character flaws. But they saw him just as the nation and world saw him.  So, why did the Republican Party keep following him to the hubs of hell?  

The Grand Old Party has two choices - the same as we all have:  Get back to working for a united America with the rest of us, or stick to your guns and go down with your ship.

America would welcome back 
the Grand Old Party. 

But the current GOP doppelganger 
might as well just stay on that sinking ship!

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