"Beavis Daines and Butthead Rosendale" do Washington D.C.

Beavis Daines and Butthead Rosendale: Montana's Duo Duds

How many ways can we say something undignified about these two duds? They are the epitome of stupidity!  They are the Reprehensible Republicans! They are the lower rung of lunacy! 

Sen. Steve "Beavis" Daines and Rep. Matt "Butthead" Rosendale are yakking it up and making Montana look terrible.  They have been fully immersed into the baptismal waters of Trumpism and there seems to be no chance of deprogramming them.

The senator place a hold on the nomination of Deb Haaland for Secretary of the Interior because she has better ideas about our environment that he does.  She is also a great lady of a different color than the senator and that always gets his Republican panties in a knot.  I'm afraid we're in for a tough time the next six years with this guy!

The representative has been babbling about what he hates since his hero, the former president, left office.  As a matter of fact, he might still be seeing the former con man's shadow strolling the halls of the White House.  Yes, "Butthead" is still that determined to get the liar of the "big lie" back in the saddle. We're a little better off with this one because his term is only two years.  He'll be "two and through in '2022."

These two were, unfortunately, elected by default.  They were swept into office during the "Great Red Tide of 2020" with the other stampeding herd of elephants.  There was no way they earned the win on their own!  The Republican voters in Montana simply included them as afterthoughts when completing their ballots.

We can scream and shout about it, but that's about all.  They are out to hurt Montana, their nation, and ultimately, embarrass the heck out of themselves.  As the wise man said, "Stupid is as stupid does."

Am I too unkind?  Maybe.

But am I truthful?  You betcha!

An Opinion by John Watson...and Many Others


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