The Treasonous Workings of the Dirty Dozen



U.S. Senate

Mitch McConnell * Lindsey Graham * Ted Cruz * Ron Johnson * Mike Lee * Josh Hawley * John Kennedy


Kevin McCarthy * Jim Jordan * Matt Gaetz * Marjorie    Taylor Green * Lauren Boebert

These are the deplorables of our government.  They have committed atrocities that have amounted to treasonous acts against America, because they carried out their crimes as elected officials of our government. 

There are additional Republicans who barely missed mention here, and I am guessing they are as upset about their omission as the ones who made the list.  Many in their Party believe an honor such as "Dirty Dozen" would be a badge of achievement!

I consider all of those listed above as traitors to their country. They have carried out their activities against America in an attempt to overturn a presidential election in hopes of keeping their Party in power. They used what is now commonly known as "The Big Lie" to convince the American Voters that the former president won the 2020 election.  They each acted - in various degrees - to halt and reassign the electoral college's results to Donald Trump.

If this isn't treason, someone will have to explain to me what treason is.  Any elected official openly defying a national election that was certified to be without fraud by all fifty states is as bad as it gets! Their actions incited a mob of reportedly 10,000 White Supremacists, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, QAnons, and others to storm our nation's capitol.  There were fatalities, serious injuries, damage to the capitol building's windows and doors, and destruction and theft to several offices.

While various law enforcement officials have arrested - and continue to arrest - perpetrators of the mob, the true criminals are wandering the halls of congress. This is not right and we cannot let it continue!

We are either a nation of laws or we aren't. January 6, 2021 will always be a rallying cry for justice to be returned to our government. If these members of congress are allowed to escape prosecution, America can be considered a lawless nation.  

Think about the seriousness of this.  Think about how far down we have fallen as a democracy.  It is mostly true that the Republican Party would rather have something other than a democracy, but we are known around the world as the "shinning city on the hill" of democracy.  We welcome others to our shores.  We aid other nations to become a free democracy.  

Are we going to let this Republican Party change all of that because it doesn't fit their authoritarian world?  If we wanted to live under the rule of one solitary power, we probably would have stayed in England!

I'm sure there is a perfect spot somewhere on this planet for the Party to set up shop and live the life they choose.  

But it ain't here, folks!  Not anywhere west of the Atlantic, east of the Pacific, south of Canada, or north of Mexico.  Because that's where America is, and that's where America will always be!



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