Why Are These Senators Still In Office?

 As you gaze at these two scoundrels, realize what you are seeing.

Ted Cruz (R-TX) on the left, and Josh Hawley (R-MO) on the right are members of our United States Senate. They refused to accept the Presidential Election results of 2020, and to this day still claim the election was stolen.  They do so with absolutely no proof!

Definition of Treason:  The crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to overthrow the government.

Definition of Sedition:  A violation of a citizen's allegiance to the U.S. by betrayal or aiding the country's enemies.

When a senator stands in the well of the United States Senate or on the stage of the CPAC Convention and denies the results of the landslide election, it is sedition at the very least and treason at the very worst.  Proclaiming their lies, and knowing it is being carried on national television, is abhorrent - and criminal. Their declaration is meant to incite violent responses from an already ravenous mob. Whether they truly believe the "Big Lie" they speak of is known only to them.  Their crime, however, is in repeating it and looking for an insurrection to follow.

So why are these two senators still in office?  Why hasn't any action been taken against them?  Our country is in a very dark and dangerous place. The violence that led to the Jan. 6th attack on our Capitol, the hostility from other like-minded senators, and the 143 GOP House Members who also voted to overturn the election, are creating a division in our government that rivals  the run-up to our Civil War. We cannot allow this to continue!

This is happening on our watch, America.  If we continue to let these elected officials "yell fire in a crowded theatre," we will lose our democracy.  It is not their government to turn into a battlefield.  It is ours.  To allow them to continue is like letting the "tail wag the dog."

Each day, we are confronted with mindless chatter and threats of the Republican Party taking control of our government.  It began with the former president's "big lie" about how the election was stolen from him.  Never mind the 306 -232 electoral win for Joe Biden. Never mind the 60+ lawsuits Trump's attorneys took to court with no evidence of election fraud and were thrown out - many by federal judges he appointed.  And never mind that the election was certified by congress on Jan. 6, 2021 - the day he incited his mob to attack the Capitol and try to stop that certification!

These two senators - and many other GOP congressional stooges - are keeping the "big lie" alive and promising that the former president will magically be returned to the Oval Office...maybe as soon as tomorrow, March 4th!

We are living in a fairy tale and the Republicans want all of us to follow them down the "rabbit hole."  We will outlive their lunacy!




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