House Bill 505...

This bill is making its way through the legislature and it reeks with Republican greed and power!

The bill was introduced by one of Montana's biggest landowners, Rep. Wylie Galt (R) and it would grant Montana's largest landowners with "ten out-of-state elk hunting licenses for the landowners (Galt included) to sell as they wish."

Governor Gianforte has already expressed support for this bill, which would mean it will most likely be signed into law!

"This would be a goldmine for large landowners, a boon for wealthy out-of-state hunters, and a slap in the face to most all Montanans.  Whether you are a hunter or not, all Montanans should be concerned about the implications of the privatization of wildlife, which goes against everything that makes our state what it is," said Daphne Dennison  Worrall of Fort Benton, Montana.

We are all aware of the rich, out-of-state intruders that are marching into our state.  They have money and they have the backing of the power grab by Gianforte and his horde of Republican Legislators. We all need to pay close attention to the Montana Republicans' in-your-face fierce and destructive attack on our Montana way of life.

Call your legislative representatives now and tell them this is not how we do business in Montana!

We have got to find a way to put a stop to this plundering herd of elephants destroying our "last best place."  This is not a Republican or Democrat issue - THIS IS A MONTANA ISSUE!


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