Montana Politics: Now Low, Narrow, and Ugly. . .

Montana used to be High, Wide, and Handsome!

But now it's "Low, Narrow, and Ugly."  That happened after the Republicans sunk their fangs into her.  It also used to be "the Last Best Place."  It used to be "The Treasure State."  It used to be "Montana Is My Home." It used to be a place where Montanans could peacefully work, love, and enjoy the great outdoors.  The unbelievable scenery was everyone's backyard.

And then came Gianforte and his stampeding elephants!

Many Montanans have truly enjoyed voting by mail and they have been doing it for years.  You can call it what you will; whether absentee balloting or just good ol' vote-by-mail, it's become the preferred way to cast our choices.

For the first time in Montana history, 46 of Montana's 56 counties in 2020 had an "all-mail" balloting for statewide general election. Ironically, lawsuits from Republicans, from the president on down, attempted to stop it, claiming potential fraud and other problems.

As a result, the election had a huge turn-out and the Republican candidates ran away with nearly every office!  Many are scratching their heads and wondering what happened.  Could there have been some skullduggery afoot?  

But, like a dog with a bone he won't turn loose of, the Republican's election power-grab has only made the issue worse.  They are now demanding an end to absentee ballots unless there is a dang good reason why a voter needs one!  Mail-in voting is - according to their little minds - still an omen of absolute fraud. 

So, is it true?  Do mail-in ballots really produce fraudulent elections?  Is this really how the Montana Republicans won all of those seats in the 2020 election?  Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

What will satisfy these yahoos?

Montana needs mail-in ballots and we have to fight like the dickens to keep them!  This is another underhanded attempt by the GOP to suppress our votes! 


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