You all know about the big GOP push to suppress the minority votes across the country.  They've been able to pass laws that will shut down those pesky little people from voting for their favorite Democrats.  

New laws by most of our states have placed new restrictions on voting. Examples of these include:  stricter photo ID requirements, harder for citizens to register (and stay registered), more difficult to vote early or absentee, elimination of drop boxes, and harder to restore voting rights for people with past criminal convictions. 

Voting should be as easy and convenient as possible.  But across the U.S., too many right-wing politicians are passing measures making it harder to cast a ballot.  They may agree with the right of all qualified people to vote, but they want to be the ones who will decide who is qualified. 

The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. 

America's voting privilege is under a horrendous attack by those in the Republican Party.  They are doing so with full knowledge and with obvious impunity.  The time to overturn these outrageous new laws against voting is now.

Here in Montana, a bill to greatly reduce and/or eliminate absentee/mail-in voting  is now under attack and on its way to the governor's desk who is a strong supporter of voter suppression. 

Let's get behind an effort to eradicate the right-wing efforts to suppress our voting!  



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