McCarthy and his thugs head for the border. . .

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is as crooked as a dog's hind leg.  He also gets his injection of Trump lies every time he hops down to Mar-a-Lago Club for ring-and-rump kisses afternoon with the big guy!

A few days ago, he and a gaggle of like-minded cult members from the U.S. House journeyed down to the border for a look-see at the "terrible crisis" Biden has fomented with those dastardly "illegal aliens." 

Of course, the real purpose of the junket was to have a good time and jot down some talking points to throw at the president.  They wanted to see if he was throwing kids into cages like their president did.  Maybe get a few photo ops with one or two of those "aliens" who might be hopping mad at the fact there is no Embassy Suites motel rooms available.

This excursion was a hatchet job from the get-go!  

Instead of looking for ways they could make things better for these destitute people who are escaping all kinds of hell back home, they were looking for ammunition to fire at President Biden.  Instead of doing their jobs as representatives of our United States House, they spent a lot of time and money looking for trouble!

The Republican Party has been a cluster of hate for years and they are wandering through the wilderness looking to spread evil wherever they go.  They no longer represent the American People - they only represent their Party and the destruction of our democracy. They have nothing left but a desire to replace our government with an autocracy, and the only way they know how to go about that is to destroy that which is in their way.  

McCarthy and his House wreckers are arrogantly open about their goals.  They have proudly announced their memberships in the "Brotherhood of the Bell" Trump cult. Nor can we  forget their brothers and sisters in the Senate who have also sold their souls to the Trump Cult. They all dwell in a large and evil tent! 

When it comes to these treasonous traitors, the "big guy" might be out of their sight, but he is rarely out of their minds.  

We need to take names 
and kick their butts out of office!




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