Bubba and the Gov'mint Check. . .

Bubba's done gone to the bank to cash his gov'mint checks.  He ain't fixin' to let nobody git ahead of him in line, neither!

When it comes to this free gov'mint stuff, he fergits all 'bout that red neck trash talkin' he does. Socialist stuff is alright, in it's place...if the place is his bank account!

Poor Bubba!  He wants government off of his back, but it's okay if they want to get into his wallet.  He normally wants more freedom and less government, but he wants the freedom to collect certain handouts, too.  He insists government is the problem, but when they want to give him some money, he says, "No Problem!"  And, he wants to shrink government, but not before they give him all the stuff he has coming.

Bubba is a typical Republican white supremacist who is celebrating the freedom the Trump Cult has given him.  He is sitting high in the saddle and honking his horn for everybody to get the hell out of his way.  His tribe is going to ramrod the roundup and drive into the corral all of the freeloaders, namby-pambies, minorities, and those who ain't partial to the opposite sex!  He doesn't cotton to minorities, middle class and lower, and all Democrats getting a chance to vote, either.  "There just should be a law against it," he says.  

People call Bubba a lot of things.

But nobody had better call him late for his gov'mint check!


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