Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Do We Surrender To The Nitwits?

 I'm tired and I'm mad.  Or, as one of my daughters used to say when she was very little, "I'm sick and mad."  While the typical way to say it was, "I'm sick and tired," she was obviously more than just tired.

But I'm sick and mad, too.  We're talking about the United States of America surrendering to the White Supremacists, the Proud Boys, the QAnons, the Oath Keepers, the Trump Republicans, and whoever else is trying to bring our nation to its knees.  When you put a bright spotlight on them, they are members of a treasonous cult who are in the process of prosecuting a coup to take over our democracy. If you wonder what they look and sound like, you missed a great chance to see for yourself last night during the former president's speech at the CPAC Convention. There were enough lies and conspiracy theories being thrown around to choke a...well, an elephant!  And worst of all, many of these traitors are elected Republican politicians!

This isn't an idle threat by these nitwits.  They mean business and they are well on their way to a successful take-over.  If we were to wake up from our fog of "this can't happen in America," we would realize how close they came to overturning the 2020 election, ordering the vice president to declare the election null and void, fulfilling their threat to kill the vice president and the speaker of the house, and putting that evil former president back into power.

Dangerous cults rose in power during our national fight with covid-19. Those who have been interviewed tell reporters that they became bored just sitting at home all day and decided to tune into the conspiracy theories that were being spread by their beloved president.  They bought every lie he told them.  They were getting their "fifteen minutes of fame on TV" and much-needed attention that they evidently weren't getting at home.  They were enamored with the cult image and they saw themselves as being on the winning side against the elites!  They were living the life of Rambo!  As an example of the minds of these nitwits, one man told Anderson Cooper of CNN that he actually believed Cooper killed babies and drank their blood."

Of course, a few are now crawling away like rats from a sinking ship. But the far-right Republicans are taking up the slack.  They are continuing the onslaught on our democracy with the rag-tag tailings of those cult members who are hanging on with them.  The attack on our Capitol on Jan. 5th gave them new life.  There were 143 Republicans in the House that voted to overturn the election, and they had help from far too many of their cohorts in the Senate.

So, I'm tired.  I'm tired and mad because Americans who think like I do are sitting at home, jabbering on social media, and complaining with their friends about the mess.  But that's about as far as we go.  I jabber on with my political blog (that I appreciate if you for reading right now) but to little avail.  It doesn't seem to spur anyone into action.  (This Eight-two year old guy is about as useless in a protest march as the former president.)

We can learn a lesson or two, however,  from the Republican Nitwit Brigade about how to fight for what you want.  We could.  But we aren't.  I have always thought there is a time to fight fire with fire. And that time is after nothing else works!

The treasonous Congressional Republicans are a small enough group that we could actually put them  into one good-sized convention center and read them their rights before arresting them all. There is, however, still those pesky cult members.  I'm guessing, though, without a leader like the former president, they'd probably just go home.  If they don't, I'm betting a good police/soldier line, plus a good number of peaceful protesters could run them off.  

So, what are we doing?  We're barricading the Capitol grounds to make it look like a third-world junta is taking place!  And think about this:  Of those we are protecting inside, about 1/3 of them are elected Republican officials who are really "the enemy within!'

Where are our protesters who should be protesting the deadly attacks by these nitwits?  They can be peaceful, compassionate, accurate in their facts, and still get the job done.  Where are they?  Doesn't anyone want to save America?

I'm mad.  I'm sick and mad.

And I think I'm about done, too. 


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