Saturday, March 6, 2021

Second Reconstruction. . . Reintegration of Today's Red States Into Union

The plan to reintegrate those states that had seceded and determine legal status of African Americans.

We now must plan for the second reconstruction.  We need to reintegrate those state that have turned away from our democracy and have been assuming a role of independence from "the great experiment of democracy."  They have preferred to ignore the United States Rule of Law and are now carving out their own versions. 

These states are called "Red States."

It would be easy if these states volunteered to return to the union and join all of us as we enjoy the democracy that has been given to us 245 years ago.  We have been the luckiest people on the planet to live, love, work, and recreate in such a nation.  Our laws are firm, but our intent is peace and tranquility for all.  We ask no more of others than we would ask for ourselves. We have each been given the right to cast a secret ballot for whom we choose to represent us in our city, county, state, and national elections.  We each have the freedom of speech, the right to assemble, and the right to criticize when we see or hear actions against our government.

Why is reconstruction now necessary?  There is an element of hatred that has crept into America with political and personal attacks that have conjured up a tribal mentality that is destroying our way of life. It has turned neighbors, friends, and even families against each other. There is no longer a setting that can be discussed and resolved without political differences raising its ugly head.

We will find a way out of this mess or we will not survive.  It's that simple.  There are many who believe God will show us the way out of this wilderness.  I am a believer, but my belief says we must make the first move.  Why should He be asked to interfere if we are too stubborn and too hostile to find the solutions ourselves?  

Reconstruction.  We partially did it once.  

Let's finish the job this time.

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