Thursday, March 4, 2021

White Supremacy Will Always Lose!

Dear White Power:
You have made it quite clear as to what you want, and you are willing to arm yourself and march on my capitol to take it.  There is one big problem with that, however. You'll lose.  

You call me a fascists and a commie.  That's cute.  You do realize the commies and the fascists have been wanting to take over my country for decades?  Like you, they put on their camouflaged costumes, an anti-American flag, and as much gun power as they can strap on, and begin threatening "We the People," with ugly rants and grunts to do as you say.  You remind me of a very mean and heavily armed junk yard dog with no respect for our freedom while you insist your freedom is greater.

This nation didn't put on military uniforms decades ago to fight against people who think like you, just to be confronted by a worse evil right here in our own country.  What in the hell are you thinking?  Are you seriously going to go up against the most powerful nation on the planet because you've decided you can't do everything your little hearts desire?  Do you think posing as out-of-control "Rambo" on a street, armed to the teeth, and scaring the hell out of people in downtown America is going to get you what you want?  

We know what you want.  You want our country to be rid of all people of color and certain religions.  You want only people who are heterosexual living here.  You want only natural born citizens living here. In short, you want what Hitler wanted: white, gun-totin', anti-everything else living here. You want a society of "superior white humans."  And you're willing to fight and die for it!

Well, since I doubt you've read much history, let me explain something to you.  We've already fought that insane idea - more than once - and won each time.  And we'll fight it again, if we have to.  You can't win with the rag-tag, mean talking, gun nuts that you have rounded up today!

You've made a lot of noise, caused a lot of damage, and scared the hell out of folks - I'll give you that.  But you are far from winning anything.  You just don't have the power and intelligence to get 'er done!

America has seen your kind before and she has this record of never losing.  So, do your evil, create a big problem for yourself and  everyone else, and get your "fifteen minutes of fame" on television.

But in the end, you'll lose, and we'll have "victim of another bad and ugly White Supremacy idea" etched on your tombstone for the next horde to think about.

We'll be waiting.


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