Sirs, Have You No Shame? Have You No Shame At All?

America is left with the remnants of a hostile and dangerous former administration that is still haunting us.

The real culprit, however, is not the one hunkered down in his palace in Mar-a-Lago, Florida and extending his ring finger for good ol' "Boys of Bastardsville" to kiss. The real villains here are those who are doing the kissing.  They are the out-of-their-mind Congressional Republicans from the United States House and Senate  and their counterparts in various corrupt and vindictive states! 

The House and Senate Democrats are trying to get a bill passed that would give all registered Americans the right to vote without forcing them to jump through insane Republican hoops. 

Republicans know what they are doing and they are doing it without shame or remorse.  We have watched the rapid and steady decline of their behavior since the Trump Administration told them it was okay. Their intensions could be no more clear than if they announced it on television every thirty minutes:  "We want everyone to know that we are going to steal every election by stopping minorities from voting!"

They have lowered the bar to this:  They have actually passed a law that says "it will be illegal to give water or snacks to anyone standing in a line to vote - regardless of the number of hours they have been standing there?"

That, in addition to countless other unnecessary hoops a voter will need to jump through, is how the Republican Party expects America to vote from now on.  For example, minorities and low-income folks are expected to hunt down and pay a notary public to notarize papers before they can vote.  Frivolous and insane new laws are being passed in 43 states so far to inhibit voters from carrying out their most basic right in this country.  Mail-in ballots are very popular across the country, but it is the first item Republicans are going after. Their reasoning is simply - mail-in voting is fraudulent voting.  Of course, they cannot produce a shred of evidence to their claim. More than sixty cases were brought to court and not one was even acceptable to judges - even judges Trump had appointed himself!

The Grand Old Party has left the tracks, plowed into the embankment, and there will be few survivors.  

And that is about the only good news in this story!


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