Saturday, March 13, 2021

Montana's Reckless Republicans Working From The Trump Playbook. . .

Straight From The
Gov. Greg Gianforte and his Herd of Plundering Elephants are still on the stampede and the gigantic power grab is churning out evil every day.  Old comfortable laws are falling and new and terrible laws are piling up. There isn't a moral bone in any of these Republicans. Like their glorious leader, the former president, they represent no one but themselves.  New laws are to benefit themselves and their donors - the riches among us. Civility is not in their dictionary.  Selfishness and greed comprise the first chapter of the "Trump Playbook" and an attention to the needs of middle and lower class is but a footnote in the back of the book. 

In the early days of the 2021 Legislative Session, several key obnoxious bills were underway.  First was killing the mandate of facial masks that were protecting Montanans from Covid-19.  This would work hand-in-glove with the need to pass a bill to protect businesses from being sued by employees who fell victim to the pandemic while on the job. That shows the utter lack of respect shown to Montana workers.  Along with that, of course, is the need to kill unions and pass a "right to work" law.  (Fortunately, that bill has failed.)

Next, and one of the favorites from the Trump Playbook, is the quick need to fill judgeships with ultra-conservative judges.  Gianforte got his GOP thugs to bulldoze a bill through that eliminates the nominating committee from offering choices for the Governor to chose from when appointing judges to fill newly-vacated benches. Now, when a vacancy comes up, the governor can simply appoint one from his own personal - and highly loyal - list of characters. This even includes vacancies on the State Supreme Court!  Republicans prefer the more direct route to their evil greed and reckless power!

As you would expect, the ever-popular Republican tax cut for the wealthiest - with a pittance for the rest - was also conceived in the opening moments of the Session.  It has recently been "improved on" by a greedy little lady from Culbertson in the House Taxation Committee that "amends and doubles the tax cut rate" previously offered. This, in addition to cutting the business equipment tax and make other changes that will "draw businesses to the state." (That's a line they always use and we seldom see. It's kind of like their "trickle down" nonsense.)

All-in-all, the Gianforte and Gang's legislative work has only shown benefits for the capitalists crowd.  Businesses are happy as little clams and the rest of us are riding in the dust at the back of the trail drive. This is what they learned from Trump and this is what just about brought this country to its knees!

It's what Republicans do these days.

Comes the revolution!

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